Take Action

Take Action In the plastics Problem

The goal of our film is to encourage you to seek and gain knowledge about soultions to this major problem. The road to a plastic free earth starts with each individual. Wether you are a student, a CEO, or a mother concerned about her children’s future, you can make a difference. 

Understand how to effectively compost

Read the labels

Thrift shop for clothing

The fasion industry is the second largest polluter in the world, right after the oil industry. Many people do not know that fast fashion is responsible for most of the carbon emissions. You can reduce your carbon footprint by thrifting.

Try the 40-day plastic free challenge

Try to limit purchasing items that come in plastic packaging, and see how much plastic you collect in 40 days. This is a great way to put into perspective how much plastic you consume.

Start Local & look out for new products


Future Roadmap

Topics of interest

Health Implications Of Plastic Use

Home Composting & Organics Recycling

Recycling Education

New Recycling & Clean Up Efforts

New Compost Manufacturers Initiatives

PHA Plastic Developments

Oil Refineries Commitment to waste clean up

Bio-compostable plastic made from organic material

What Now?

The General Public is More Aware

Target Field, home of the Minnesota Twins Major League Baseball team, is the first pro stadium to prioritize sustainability to package recycling. They even show a recycling video during games to help educate fans.
Local, state, and entire country governments are banning the use more and more of many plastics in packaging.

Beginning July 3, 2021 the European Union is banning production of many single-use plastics.
Oil Companies Expect For Plastic Consumption To Grow

Oil & gas companies are ramping up petrochemical use even with the global outcry intensifies about single-use plastic waste pollution.

It Is Possible To Live "Waste Free" With Zero Waste

Some countries have made the use of single-use plastic illegal. In other places, the idea of using no plastic in daily living exists. We investigate these methods of banning or not using PET plastics and let the viewer see if this is a way to improve our world.

Recycling Is Only Part Of The Solution

Recycling for years has been pushed by producers and marketed for years as the answer & solution to reusing single-use plastics, yet only a small percentage of it is actually being recycled. See how, by education & conservation efforts, recycling can be used as a much better solution than it has been over the past 50 years.